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Im stuck in the hallway and cant get pass the two guys. What do i do lol

which hallway?


For the paint puzzle its 5 yellow 3 blue and 3 red. If it dosnt work switch the blue and red


Holy moly, not gay but I had to pause and comment the moment I saw warlord and saviour SsethTzeentach in the miniature


Hello, Has anyone experienced/ has an answer for: The Chrystal is now gone, say get book from Dux but i already got my book from him, plus it says talk to Gerdalt but i have already talked with him, plus greenhouse is locked. Just currently stuck and didn't know if i was missing something. Thank You Playing on PC

hi.. i seem to be stuck on the game and cannot moved forward.. i have romanced everyone, brought back callidus, and i have clicked on literally everything and everyone but the only option to talk to all the characters is "thats all".. pls help me!

You May have reached the end of the currently demo. Check the characters screen to see if you have all if the sex scenes. If not, then you might have more to so

ok, i check and i havent met the malum character yet and there is a question mark in the character screen.. pls tell me what to do!

If you have brought back Callidus, then you have met Malum, I'm sad to say. Have you played the hero segment?

nope.. not yet

then you should be able to go up the stairs in dorm in the new update and start the hero quest there

Cannot download the Mac version from itch app, but is able to download via itch site.


hmm... strange, I'll see if I can fix that


I'm really confuse on wheres the faculty room? 


I'm sorry, but an uncaught exception occurred.

While running game code:

  File "renpy/common/000statements.rpy", line 569, in execute_call_screen

    store._return = renpy.call_screen(name, *args, **kwargs)

Exception: DynamicImage u'images/screens/investigation/link/[TowerLinkNum:02d]_hover.png': could not find image. (u'images/screens/investigation/link/-1_hover.png')

-- Full Traceback ------------------------------------------------------------

Full traceback:

  File "scripts/places/greenhouseTowerInside.rpyc", line 670, in script

  File "renpy/", line 2015, in execute"execute")

  File "renpy/", line 2003, in call

    return, parsed, *args, **kwargs)

  File "renpy/", line 278, in call

    return method(parsed, *args, **kwargs)

  File "renpy/common/000statements.rpy", line 569, in execute_call_screen

    store._return = renpy.call_screen(name, *args, **kwargs)

  File "renpy/", line 3136, in call_screen

    rv = renpy.ui.interact(mouse="screen", type="screen", roll_forward=roll_forward)

  File "renpy/", line 298, in interact

    rv =, **kwargs)

  File "renpy/display/", line 3325, in interact

    repeat, rv = self.interact_core(preloads=preloads, trans_pause=trans_pause, pause=pause, pause_start=pause_start, **kwargs)

  File "renpy/display/", line 3737, in interact_core

    root_widget.visit_all(lambda i : i.per_interact())

  File "renpy/display/", line 568, in visit_all

    d.visit_all(callback, seen)

  File "renpy/display/", line 568, in visit_all

    d.visit_all(callback, seen)

  File "renpy/display/", line 568, in visit_all

    d.visit_all(callback, seen)

  File "renpy/display/", line 441, in visit_all

    self.child.visit_all(callback, seen=None)

  File "renpy/display/", line 568, in visit_all

    d.visit_all(callback, seen)

  File "renpy/display/", line 568, in visit_all

    d.visit_all(callback, seen)

  File "renpy/display/", line 558, in visit_all

    for d in self.visit():

  File "renpy/display/", line 744, in visit


  File "renpy/display/", line 652, in find_target

    raise Exception(error)

Exception: DynamicImage u'images/screens/investigation/link/[TowerLinkNum:02d]_hover.png': could not find image. (u'images/screens/investigation/link/-1_hover.png')



Acolytes 0.2.6

Mon Aug 22 05:01:33 2022


I just faced this during the investigation on the lookout tower in the greenhouse, and I try to ignore but it just get stucked and can't continue on the story

Be more specific, it's stucked after investigating crowbar and the chest and the game seem crashed after that

Hey There. Thanks for the update, I'll look into it. I can't promise a fix right away, so I'd suggest redoing the investigation for now.

I found a sequence on the investigation where the game didn't crash on me. Camp - Ruin - Lookout tower, these are the sequence that works for me. (Hope it helps those who faced the same issue as me.)
And good work for this VNs, (first time playing it and I'm liking it)

Hyyy so I'm stuck on two things, first it says to get a book from the library in but every time I talk to the library in she says go away, second it says talk tto dux but I already know he's in the chrystal temple can u tell me how to get there?? And how to get the book for prissy from the librarian??

you have to move upwards on the map screen to find the Chrystal riim. there is an up arrow that can help you out,


where can I find the book of denver?

talk to everyone at the bottom row of the dorm, they all have hints

I can't find any books to find the name for the hero, i only see the books from fuco's quest where we need to convince snake

there is an arrow above the door in the library which leads to a new room

HELP  I'm stuck where the racist dude stole the giant crystal and it wont let me progress I already talked dux about it but they aren't doing anything


you need to do 2 things here: first go to the racist guy's room and check the note he left behind and second Romance either Fuco or prissy successfully. ONce this is done you can progress the story

thanks a lot

(1 edit)

May I know if the nsfw content of this game feature only / predominantly player bottom content now, judging from the gifs on this page? It's been like a year and a half since I last tried it. Thx!

there Are some top scenes in there as Well. I try as best I Can to make it equal

Good to know! Thx for the reply

I just had the chance to play ver 0.2.6. I honestly felt that the "make it equal" statement is... more than a bit far from the truth lol.

The game itself is still great. I like the storyline and the music. But for real, I personally think the top / bottom scene ratio needs some actual adjustment.
- Absolutely no player top scene with Gerdalt, Sunflower, Fuco, and Donald? I mean C'MON...
- The only player top scenes are with androgenous / feminine characters, Prissy and perhaps Chance. Well, I personally do not think attributing all bottom content to one specific body type is the way to go.

I know I may come off as a bit irritated, but these are my honest feedback. This is YOUR game, it's totally fine if you want to make it based on your own liking and make it, say, an entirely player bottom game. But I think it's important to keep that info transparent, so the audience know what they are in for.

Sorry if this seems like a silly question, but is there like a guide or something like that that can help with figuring out how to progress for certain routes? I've been trying and can't seem to get to any of the routes I want to try for, such as Gerdault or the superhero for example. I just would like some sort of help or hint, as I'm getting a bit frustrated with how much I've struggled trying to activate those routes. I understand though if there's not one available and I have to figure it out on my own, just thought it couldn't hurt to ask at least..

there is a book at the top of the screen. You Can get a mission tracker, if you Press that, with hints about what to do next

I looked but I don't seem to see the book at the top of my screen, unless you are referring to the "quest" I click that gives a book for all the characters I've interacted with so far. I'm at the point of speaking with Dux about the powers I do have, then it says I now have access to the second floor dorms. But then the game ends, did I miss something?

Apologies if I made a mistake somewhere along tge way.

Deleted 2 years ago

What do you mean by "the game ends"

It shows me this screen of the thanks for playing and link to the patreon, then takes me back to the main menu. It did this for a couple other times too, however I suspected I just made a mistake in those cases. Apologies if my description isn't the best. As well as apologies if I misunderstood or made a mistake along the way too.

hmm... this could be a bug, it is supposed to bring you back to dux

how can i go to school

the back button should bring you to an overview

Deleted 2 years ago

is there a guide?

the book at the top of the screen is a mission guide

I've been trying to figure out the superhero's name for an hour 🥲

There Are books in the library that Can help you out

I found it thanks !

Will we see Denvor more than this or is his arc finished? I'm in need of hairy men lmao.


There is more Denver planned for the update coming up on in a couple of months. If you can't wait, then you can find the update right now un patreon

Deleted 1 year ago

What was the last thing you did before you got stuck?

Deleted 1 year ago

you need to start the investigation minigame in his office (it’s started by pressing the link icon tobtheleft of the screen)

Deleted 1 year ago

I may have been a bit confused by where you were in the game. There should be a button to the right of the screen with a question mark on it, once you enter Gerdalts office. This starts the investigation mini-game, which will help you talk to Gerdalt and progress the mission

(1 edit)

I enjoy the story so much :)      

keep up the amazing work

Please Help me I just Played This Like yesterday and im still stuck At 'dux told me that we have to get signature from the Faculty now But i cant find The Faculty 😭😭😭😭

the faculty Are found in their classrooms

but where??

wait, did it say i unlocked it? sorry i dont pay attention to details (umm bad habit i guess?) 

i unlock dorm second floor, and the dorm that was "coming soon" but somehow i dont have?

please help me, how to convince snake to model


You can fail to do that, so you have to pick your reasoning for him to model very carefully. If you are stuck in general, then you can always consult the quest guide (it's the book at the top of the screen)

Any plans for adding more content for Chance?

(1 edit) (+1)

yes, Chance will get a romanceable path at some point, I can't say when though


Does it exist in  French version?

I'm sorry no. The game is still in development, there might be other versions once the game is done

OK . Thank you, I will go on with the English one so.  Meanwhile waiting for a translation.  Thks for answering.

I don't suppose thier is a guide on how to get to the X scenes is there?

Which scene??

Chance and Crevan for starters. Sometimes with so many paths and options it can be VERY frustrating trying find the routes I'm looking for.

The book at the top of the screen has a quist tracker. You'll be able to see what you need there

SPOILERS and I need help ---- idk if I need to restart the game or make different choices, but: the story isn't progressing anymore. I've gone a little past the crystal shutting down, I gathered new info for Dux and Cevran, helped Prissy with the soap, but now there's literally nothing else I can do... Unless I'm missing something??

you need to charge up a Chrystal, i would suggest either Prissy or Fuco as the easy choice. If you're stuck, then press on the book at the top of the screen, it will show you what you need to do next

ooooh, I see. Thank you!

Hi! Got the game through the queer bundle. Is there (or will there) be a romance line for Denver? (Believe it or not, I really like his character)

Thanks! :)


there is more denver content coming in future updates. I can’t promise a full romance line yet, but if you get more support, then i might consider it

thanks for considering it! I think he's hot and love to see a character arc for him too xD

How to get Fuco and Prissy last scene?

those scenes wont be available until the final build

Just how many scenes are there with Gerhold? I've got 6, with 3 empty slots(2,4 and and 6)

Theere are 9 scenes with gerdalt in all. You can talk to him whenever you're doing an investigation, to get the scenes you're missing

Are they in order?.

Well, the three investigation scenes aren't in any particular order, but the scenes your looking at go: camping, tower and ruin


After investigating the camp in the greenhouse, when I go to talk to gerdalt to say I have finished my investigation I run into this error.


I'm sorry, but an uncaught exception occurred.

While running game code:

  File "game/scripts/places/greenhouseCampsite.rpy", line 357, in <module>

NameError: name 'Ending_greenhouse' is not defined

-- Full Traceback ------------------------------------------------------------

Full traceback:

  File "scripts/places/greenhouseCampsite.rpyc", line 357, in script

  File "renpy/", line 928, in execute

    renpy.python.py_exec_bytecode(self.code.bytecode, self.hide,

  File "renpy/", line 2245, in py_exec_bytecode

    exec(bytecode, globals, locals)

  File "game/scripts/places/greenhouseCampsite.rpy", line 357, in <module>

NameError: name 'Ending_greenhouse' is not defined



Acolytes 0.2.5

Tue May 17 23:42:27 2022


How do i pass the scene where the portal get destroy i already finish the scene where i give them the note the professor left when he stole the crystal but it said i still need clue.....

(1 edit)

The ending of the game isn't finished yet, but if you are stuck, then you're gonna have to start talking to the students and around the school, maybe try and romance some of them.

ow okayyy thankyouu

(1 edit)

Love the new update.  All the new stuff is awesome. 

the only thing I can't seem to unlock is the new patches Crev Scene.  I have seen him jerking off by the pillar, I've gotten the comic book thank you blow job.  But I'm dying to get to the new third anal scene?  Am I just completely goofballs.  I've tried to talk to him on every side quest...


You can only get the third scene with him after the Gerdalt mission, this is true for the new scenes with Sunflower and Charta as well. I know that I have been a bit withholding on Crevan, but I promise you, there will be more content with him coming down the pike.

EVEN MORE with Crevan.  Oh you are too too too good to us ^_^

I love him so

I have really been enjoying this game, and I hate to just ask for the answer, but I have poked around in Gerdalt office and his classroom a few times but cannot figure out how to start his route. I just need a little bit of help.

The Gerdalt route starts after the Chrystal is stolen. You can go to his classroom after it is snatched

Okay, so I went to his office after the Chrystal gets stolen, but I can't find anything to interact with, it doesn't seem any different to me. Can you please help? I think that I have done everything else in the game, all I have left is what happens with him (and any other characters that would be affected by his story).

you Can always check your question progress in the book at the top of the screen, that will tell you more specifically what to do. What I Can say here, is that you need to go to Gerdalts classroom after the chrystal has been stolen and talk to him

I just downloaded the latest Android version on Patreon. When I get to the first solo scene with Denver's, there are no controls, thus no way to finish the scene. The previous version on Itch works fine.

Never mind, I'm an idiot. There are arrows on the right

how do i romance the dog that keeps forgetting things

I'm not sure which character you're talking about here?

(1 edit)

when you go around and find people to sign the petition the one in the classroom keeps forgetting what you said and that leads to you having to keep repeating till he signs

that is Ebrius and he will, unfortunately, never be romanceable... Or at least, I have no plans to make him romanceable in this game. Maybe he'll come back in the sequel, if people are super into him

ahh i  see..does he really have bad memory or is he just a joker

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